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2007-09-20 15:08:24|  分类: 英语沙龙 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Prison Break Season 1 Episode 16
- Rough night?
- I got your message.
- What's the problem?
- I lost my keys.
- Where'd you find them?
- Four feet that way.
- Must've dropped them.
- How you doing?
- It's been a while.
- Fine. How are you?
- Cold.
- I, uh...
- I need to talk to
- you about something.
- - Grab some lunch at Fascastti's?
-  I have to get back to work.
- Speaking of which,
- I heard you got fired a few weeks ago.
- What was it this time?
- You really want to know?
- Or you're just enjoying the
- view from your high horse?
- You know what I want?
- To not have to be the older
- brother to my older brother.
- What you doing here, Crab?
- Long time no see, Mr.
- Linc. Where you been?
-  Here and there.
-  Mm.
- I'm gonna get your 90 grand,
- all right...
- Oh, relax, man,
- that debt's already been paid.
- By who?
- Someone who likes to
- do people favors.
- I don't know what it is you're
- thinking you're getting,
- but let's be clear
- about something.
- It's gonna be a few days before
- I get the money lined up.
- Let's not kid ourselves.
- You can't get anywhere
- near that kind of money.
- So let's talk about
- what you can do for me.
- Allies are like family.
- We have disagreements,
- but we always seem to smooth
- things out by Thanksgiving.
- Okay, if you had to choose...
- Vice President Reynolds
- or Kathy in HR?
- I'll take door number three.
- Come on, if you had to choose.
- The chick in HR.
- Michael never cared much for blondes.
- V.
- How you doing, Michael?
- Um, good. I'm good.
- How are you?
- I'm okay.
- You know, I'm over at Glazer & Ross.
- Lawyer #97.
- Benefits are good.
- How's Lincoln?
- You guys haven't talked?
- No, not for a few years.
- He kind of dropped off the radar.
- How is he?
- He's, um...
- He's... He's Linc.
- I don't care who the guy is.
- I ain't killing no one.
- I must have missed the part
- where I gave you a choice.
- Black leather jacket.
- Two buttons down the front,
- three on each sleeve.
- One missing on his left--
- no, right arm.
- Jeans. Faded.
- Stain on the right knee.
- He does bad things
- to good people.
- Think of this as
- a $90,000 bullet.
- You start fresh,
- and you keep me
- from finding out
- if there's someone in your life
- you will do something for.
- Uh, I should...
- I should call you a cab.
- You know how you can
- tell God is a man?
- Shoes.
- Oh!
- Easy.
- I'm sorry.
- What?
- It's, uh...
- You're gonna answer it?
- He'll leave a message.
- He always does.
- Michael, it's Linc.
- I need your help, bro.
- I'm in something real bad.
- I can't get out of it.
- I need you to straighten me out.
- My head is all messed up and...
- Anyway, it's real important, bro.
- You gotta call me.
- You gotta call me now.
- We can't do this.
- I know.
- I know.
- I'll call you a cab.
- Did we get him?
- I believe we did, partner.
- Whoo!
- Are you kidding?
- Nando, we should've
- whooped that guy's ass.
- Please, only time I
- seen you whoop some ass
- is when that old man cut
- in front of you at Arby's.
- And he was, like,
- 102 and blind.
- With a plastic hip.
- Oh, my God.
- W hat?
- Hey, they're waiting
- for you in 4B.
- Oh, pull his film.
- I'll be there in a  minute.
- Okay.
- Sergeant Franklin,
- you never cease to amaze me.
- Is there anything
- you can't get here?
- All  right, a deal's a deal.
- Prison guard duty.
- Away from the front.
- Safest place you could be.
- Thank you.
- And my wife and daughter back
- home thank you, too, sir.
- These cold seams are
- pretty significant.
-  Hey.
-  Hi.
- Would you give us
- a minute? Thanks.
- Have you been
- watching the news?
- Why?
- It's Lincoln.
- I didn't do it.
- Terrence Steadman?
- The Vice President's brother.
- Do you have any idea what
- they're gonna do to you?
- I  didn't do it, man, it was a setup.
- I didn't do it.
- You knew him.
-  Who?
-  Steadman.
- No.
-  You worked for his company.
-  So what?
- From which you were
- fired a few weeks ago.
- I loaded containers in the warehouse.
- Never met the guy.
- What the hell, Mike? You sound
- like one of the damn detectives.
- - I'm just saying...
-  You think I did it?
- I heard you owe
- someone 90 grand.
-  Who told You that?
-  People talk.
- And I know Steadman
- had a lot of money.
- I may be a lot of things,
- but I'm not a murderer.
- Then what were you doing
- in that garage last night?
- You admitted to the
- police you were there.
- Honestly, Linc,
- I don't know how it's come to this.
- And you can't keep
- blaming Mom for dying
- and Dad for leaving,
- because I was there, too.
- Difference is, I got out.
- Mom had life insurance, I took my half,
- put myself through school,
- What did you do with
- your half, Linc?
- Everything's not how
- it looks, Michael.
- I hope for your sake,
- that's true.
- Here... here is where we
- want the turn to anger.
- Trust me,
- that won't be a problem.
- Now remember to stress his
- record as a repeat offender.
- We need the public behind us
- if we want the death penalty.
- And where are we with
- Governor Tancredi?
- He has aspirations.
- He won't be a problem.
- Uh, 30 seconds,
- Madam Vice President.
- The papers have
- already crucified him.
- The police say they got a phone
- call right after the murder
- from someone claiming they saw
- Lincoln running from the garage.
- He was into someone
- for 90 grand.
- What do you need that kind of money for?
- Drugs? Bribes?
- Forget about what
- you want to be true.
- Let's look at this objectively.
-  Maybe You should, too.
-  I am.
- All right, you know what?
- I promised I wouldn't say anything,
- but I'm getting tired of
- you talking about him
- like he's some guy from the
- neighborhood that you used to know.
- He's your brother.
- I know, and I know he helped you
- out with your dad back in the day,
- but you should see the
- kind of person he is now--
- the kind of people he
- keeps friends with.
- You want to know what
- the 90 grand was for?
-  I think I do.
-  You.
- What do you mean?
- The money you got when you were 18 years
- old from your mother's life insurance.
- The money that paid
- for your degree,
- that got you this job,
- that bought you your loft.
- Your mother never had life insurance.
- That money came from Lincoln.
-  How?
-  He borrowed it.
- Knew it would be
- tough to pay back,
- but that didn't matter,
- because he thought you deserved it.
- He also knew you'd never accept
- it if you knew it came from him.
- Michael....
- you are where you are
- because of your brother.
- You're telling me he is
- where he is because of me?
- Why?
- Why didn't you tell
- me about the money?
-  No need to.
-  Lincoln...
- Who told you? Veronica?
- What did she make of all this?
- About me?
- I don't know.
- Glad she got out
- when she did, huh?
- You know how she
- feels about you.
- It's been the same way
- ever since we were kids.
- Yeah.
- Linc...
-  I owe You an apology.
-  for what?
- The night you called.
- If we talked,
- maybe I could have stopped you...
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- It's not your fault.
- Then whose is it?
- Listen up.
- You need to forget about this.
- Move on.
- Work hard, do what you do.
- I can't do that.
- Oh, yes, you can. And you will.
- Here's the part I
- don't understand.
- All the evidence is lining up in
- a path that leads directly to you.
- They say they have you on tape.
- Pulling the trigger.
- If you didn't kill
- Terrence Steadman...
- How the hell did someone
- make it look like you did?
- Perfect.
- Perfect's a strong word, Cuz.
- I got strong feelings, bro.
- I'm telling you,
- she might be the one.
-  She from the block?
-  Nope. Uptown. Pill hill.
- Do you think you could hold
- on to a girl from the PH?
- I want to take
- her out to dinner.
- You'll see.
- Someplace real nice.
- Come on, Fernando.
- How are you going to
- afford a place like that?
- - Open the drawer!
- - Hey, hey, okay!
- - Open the drawer! Yo, yo!
- -Okay, okay!
- - Quick! Quick! Quick!
- - All right, okay!
- Now!
- Actually... This is all I need.
- Okay.
- Appreciate your business, man.
- Ah...
- I brought you a gift
- from the hospital.
- Oh! Oh...
- I brought you a gift
- from the hospital.
- I'm telling you,
- this is like Christmas.
- And you...
- work at the north pole.
- If the north pole had
- gunshot wounds and...
- Seriously, I don't know
- how you work there.
- What do you mean?
- I like to help people.
- And you like helping yourself.
- And you like
- helping your friend.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God!
- Call somebody!
- Who's got a telephone?! Call 911!
- Help!
- Are you a doctor?
- Well, do something!
- At ease.
- The whiskey that you ordered, sir,
- will be here in a couple of days.
- That's fine. I actually brought you here
- to talk to you about something else.
- Prisoner abuse
- report you filed?
- Yes, sir.
- I need to know how far you're
- willing to go with this.
- Whatever it takes, sir.
- I particularly have no love
- for the desert donkeys,
- but I do have some for
- the Geneva Convention.
- Something like this gets out,
- might open up our boys to
- similar treatment from the enemy.
- I understand that, sir.
- But I'm not planning on
- calling a press conference.
- What I'm saying is,
- what I saw was wrong,
- and someone needs to take
- responsibility for it, sir.
- All right.
- Please take Mr.
- Franklin into custody.
- What? What the hell
- is going on, sir?!
- Sergeant Franklin,
- I'm hereby recommending
- that you be dishonorably discharged
- from the United States Army.
- What?! For what?
- For engaging in illegal,
- black market...
- You asked me to get that stuff!
- I kept it to myself.
- Maybe you should learn to do the same.
- You can't do this.
- You can't do this!
- You cannot do this!
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- We have, Your Honor.
- What say you?
- In the matter of The People of The
- State of Illinois v. Lincoln Burrows,
- on the count of murder
- in the first degree,
- we find the defendant guilty.
- The defendant will remain in
- custody until one week from today,
- when  we commence
- the penalty phase.
- Lincoln.
- I'm so sorry, Linc.
- Don't be. It's not your fault.
-  Know what I like?
-  Hmm?
- How after we make love...
- you get this little puddle of
- water in your belly button.
- Fernando, that's sweat!
- And get out of there!
- It's disgusting there!
- I think it's beautiful.
- I think you're beautiful.
- What do you want, Fernando?
- Oh, you got to give me
- a few more minutes.
- Stop!
- From the future.
- What do you want from the future?
- Would you run if I said you?
- Would you chase me if I did?
- I don't get it.
- All these commercials show brothers
- learning computer skills,
- new technologies.
- Uncle Sam didn't teach me
- nothing but cadence and kill.
- You check over at
- the Price-Mart?
- Ain't hiring.
- Especially with a brother with
- a dishonorable discharge.
- Goes right to the
- bottom of the pile.
- How long you think you
- gonna keep this up?
- Until somebody gives me a job.
- Nah, I'm talking
- about lying to Kacee.
- Your unit's been on leave
- for a long damn time now.
- Pretty soon they gonna stop
- thinking you're lucky,
- and she's gonna start
- asking questions.
- Yeah,  well, then I need to
- start finding some answers.
- Look, I happen to know of
- an employment opportunity.
- Come on, man,
- you know I don't get down like that.
- - It's just driving a truck.
-  Yeah.
- A to B. That's it.
- Uncle Sam taught you how to
- drive trucks, didn't he?
- Yeah. He also taught
- me to look inside.
- It might be illegal,
- but it's also rent.
- A to B, your call.
- Yeah.
- They didn't even
- let her testify.
-  Who?
-  Leticia Barris.
- And that cop?
- Changed his story
- a dozen times.
- What part of "move
- on" don't you get?
- After Mom died,
- and it was just you and me.
- I remember having
- trouble sleeping,
- never knowing where you were.
- But when I'd wake
- up in the morning,
- there'd be this paper bird,
- an origami crane,
- sitting next to my bed.
- And I never knew what
- it meant exactly,
- but I figured it was your way of letting
- me know you were checking in on me.
- Anyway, I looked it up.
- The crane.
- It stands for
- familial obligation...
- watching out for your own.
- Maybe it's my turn to
- watch out for you.
- So, same time tomorrow.
- No, man, they're, uh,
- transferring me to a prison where
- I wait until they execute me.
-  Can I still visit?
-  Yeah.
- It's  not that far.
- Place called Fox River.
-  Fox River?
-  Yeah.
- Why?
- Nothing.
- How come there's four?
- Well, uh, Mommy's new friend is
- coming over for dinner again.
- Again?
- He just came over last night.
-  I like him.
-  Well, I do, too.
- And I want you both
- to be extra polite,
- because he's stopping by Malarkey's
- on his way home from work,
- and he's bringing us
- a really good meal.
- In fact,
- you two go wash your hands.
- Evening, Mrs. Hollander.
- Don't you look
- lovely this evening.
- Ay...
- - I'm gonna do it.
-  do what?
- I'm gonna propose to Maricruz.
- Are you serious?
- When?
- As soon as I can
- afford the ring.
- So what, like, 10, 20 years?
- What's your problem, man?
- Why can't you just
- be happy for me?
- I'm just trying to protect you.
- What, you think you can give
- her everything she wants?
- Takes more than
- money to do that.
- You know I love you, Cuz.
- Just think you should
- look at the reality here.
- Seriously, Primo,
- how are you gonna afford a ring
- for a girl like that, huh?
- - Open the door!
- - Hey, hey, hey, okay, okay!
- Now!
- Hey, this fine?
- Actually, I'm gonna need a
- little bit more this time.
- Okay, okay.
- Here you go.
- - I'm sorry.
-  Okay.
- Anyone asking questions?
- Not loud enough to hear.
- God, I can't remember the last time
- I was this much of a nervous wreck.
- School Board,
- second term, 1992?
- Secluded, no real access roads,
- perfect for what you're looking for.
-  Only one problem.
- - What's that?
- It's over $2 million.
- Didn't my poor brother, Terrence,
- leave something for me in his will?
- You'd have to ask your
- accountants, ma'am.
- Tell them to use that money.
- I'm paying for his mistake;
- he can pay for the damn house.
- And I've been clean
- for 18 months now.
- I'll tell you,
- I've never been happier.
- That actually might
- be the wrong word.
- I'll be honest, there were times I
- was using I left pretty damn happy.
- But... what I feel is different now.
- I feel, uh...
- I feel joy.
- So here I am.
- I know that...
- all I can do every day
- is the next right thing.
- And I think, for me right now,
- that means going back to work.
- I, uh... I don't know, maybe...
- maybe counseling, um...
- I want to help people get from
- where I've been to where I am.
- Hey, Sara.
- You used to be a doctor, right?
- Uh, I still am, in theory. Why?
- Well, I was just thinking that
- I might know of a job
- opening where I work.
- Really? Where's that?
-  You ever heard of Fox River?
-  the prison?
- Yeah. I know it sounds
- like a strange idea.
- Uh, maybe...
- maybe you and I could, uh...
- maybe we could talk
- about it over dinner.
- I got a gift card to the Red
- Lobster over off the interstate.
- Oh, my God. Um...
- Thank you. Really. Uh...
- I... Tonight's kind of my night
- to work on my resume. Um...
- Oh.
- Yeah. 'Course.
- Sorry. I, uh...
- But thank you, really,
- for the, um, the referral.
-  Fox River.
-  Yeah.
- You know, math was never my best
- subject, either. But, um...
- I got through it by
- learning some new tricks.
- You want to learn
- some tricks, Gracey?
-  like what?
-  like your nine-times tables.
- Ready? Nine times one is...
- Nine.
- Nine times two is...
-  Eight... een.
-  Teen. Yeah.
-  nine times three is...
- - Twenty-seven!
- Exactly. You got it.
- Now keep on going.
- Mommy, Mommy,
- did you see what Teddy taught me?
- Yes. That's great, honey.
- Go show your brother.
- Zack, look. Nine times one...
- Thank you.
- Right, right, left, left...
- Hey. Um, thank you.
- Let me get your change.
- You want your change?
- Keep it.
-  Hey.
-  Hey.
- - Daddy!
-  Hey, sweetheart, come here.
-  Hey, there.
-  Hey.
- You know, I got, uh...
- I got to tell you something.
- And it's going to be
- really hard to hear.
-  Okay.
-  Okay.
- What?
- Well, the thing is...
- ...I'm being shipped back off.
- What?
- Yeah, um,
- my unit just got called back
- for another tour, baby.
- I can't believe it.
- Deployment orders
- just came down.
- With the Italians pulling
- out and everything...
- - Tell them no, Daddy!
-  Aw.
- Yo, B!
- Come here, baby.
- Can you give me a hand
- with something out back?
- That's my sister you're
- lying to in there.
- Which is why I know you're gonna
- take care of them when I'm gone.
- This is crazy.
- Maybe.
- So is the way I got
- kicked out the Army.
- So's the way I got busted
- for driving that truck.
- And so's the way I feel
- about that woman up in there.
- She married a military man,
- who knows how to take
- care of his business.
- Now, if I look like one
- of these thugs, now...
- what do you think
- she's gonna do? Huh?
- How long you think she's gonna
- wait for me while I'm inside?
- I don't know, man.
- You owe me this, man.
- Don't you ever let her know where I am.
- You feel me?
- Usually, I do this
- the other way.
-  Why do You want to...
-  I want what I want.
- You show this to anyone else...
- I am calling the
- whole thing off.
- My therapist said...
- she said that I'm
- holding too much in
- and that I need to confront you
- to let you know how
- betrayed I feel.
- I let you into my life,
- my home...
- My God,
- I let you near my children!
- I never touched them.
- You should have told
- me what you were.
- You think you're the only
- one who feels betrayed?
- I... loved you, Susan.
- Real love.
- For the first time in my life.
- And then to have
- you do me like that,
- to just throw me out to the dogs,
- just toss me out the back door like...
- - You're a murderer, Teddy!
- - That's not...
- I have sinned in the past,
- but when I met you, that
- person, that one that did all
- those terrible things, he died,
- and I was reborn.
- By the grace of your love,
- I was a...
- a new man, a better man.
- No. That doesn't just erase the man
- who killed 6 students in Alabama.
- I guess that's
- where you're right.
- 'Cause when you sent me here,
- to this place, with these people,
- it brought that old,
- dirty bastard right back home.
- In fact,
- there was a candle in the window,
- just waiting for me to
- walk up them front steps.
- You know, I'm gonna...
- I'm gonna get out
- of here someday.
- And when I do...
- ...don't think I won't remember what
- your front steps look like, Susan.
- It's almost over.
- Burrows will be dead soon, and then
- things will start getting back
- to normal.
- I know that you've
- been through a lot,
- but I promise you,
- the worst is now behind us.
- My dear sister...
- ...you have no idea
- what I've been through.
- Good night, Terrence.
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